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WebProCT 274 S. Water St. Greenwich, CT, 06830
WebProCT 274 S. Water St. Greenwich, CT, 06830

Shared hosting is convenient in many ways, especially for newbie owners of website or online stores. But over time, you realize that shared hosting has two major drawbacks: the dependence on the decency of the provider and its support, and a single IP zone with other websites of unclear direction. With the development of your website, you realize that such a server is not enough for you and these shortcomings become critical. In this case, you should pay attention to a more suitable option. It’s called a VDS server or VPS, which is essentially the same thing. It is, for order, to translate this abbreviation.

1.     VPS – Virtual Private Server.

2.     VDS – Virtual Dedicated Server.

VDS hosting (server) is a virtual server that runs on a physical server

So it runs on one powerful machine. Several virtual VDS servers can be run on one physical server. The VDS server has its own dedicated IP address on the network, which means that you got rid of all the neighbors of the hosting company. In addition, on the VDS you are the complete boss. On the VDS server you are almost a full-fledged owner, you can do whatever you want. All the power of VDS, which was specified in the tariff belongs only to you.

But extended rights add extended responsibilities. So sometimes it’s much better to use managed solutions. So you will not need to have even basic knowledge of the administration of service software. If you are looking for Joomla Dedicated Servers FastComet will be really good choice.

If you compare with the usual hosting, the VDS is much more powerful and has several advantages and disadvantages

According to the technology, on a shared disk, with shared memory, and under a common operating system, more often Linux, completely isolated containers are created, which are VDS servers. This technology allows you to run multiple virtual machines on a single physical node is called virtualization. Of course, virtualization technologies differ from each other, but it is difficult to objectively assess the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

There is an opinion that the VDS server can be managed only with serious knowledge of Linux programming and good practice of system administration from the command line or, at least, from the graphical environment of the system. But if you don’t have some specific knowledge in this area it doesn’t mean that you are not able to use VDS. There are some managed solutions that can be suitable for you. Let’s consider some advantages and disadvantages of VDS.

Advantages of VDS

  • higher computing power, faster speed;
  • more disk space;
  • full access to the server and its settings;
  • dedicated IP (most often);
  • a lot of possibilities.

There are also a disadvantage that you have to know:

  • it’s a little bit more expensive than the shared hosting.

So how to find out if you already need VDS?

Let’s consider the projects that have to use VDS.

  1. For any commercial projects that sell something: services, online stores, service sites, etc.
  2. For large and visited sites.
  3. To maintain e-mail newsletters
  4. For online games
  5. For any serious projects who care about security.

Summarizing the preliminary results, we have to note that the VDS server is a good choice for managing a server for any number of your websites. The relative disadvantages of VDS include complete independence from third-party support. It is very good if you have experience in administering your website on shared hosting and have knowledge of system administration at the level of editing files in directories. In this case, working with VDS under control of the panel, for example, ISP is quite possible for you.

Post Author: admin